Thoughts and Beliefs

Hello again to all my friends,

I will continue to bring this to your attention in different ways because it determines the quality of the lives we are living right now! Remember, your state (thoughts and beliefs) determines your behaviour, which determines your results…. If you are unhappy with the results you are getting, change your thoughts and beliefs. With that in mind, I want to share a quote from Louise Hay with you.

“Your thoughts and beliefs of the past have created this moment, and all the moments up to this moment. What you are now choosing to believe and think and say will create the next  moment and the next day and the next month and the next year.”

Whenever you have moments of self doubt or feel like a victim, that’s exactly what you will attract so change your thoughts to something positive. Pre-empt those moments by making a list of positive affirmations and read  them whenever you are feeling low, or refer to my blog, because my intention is to help everyone achieve and live the lives they want and be the person they want to be! I am sure you will find more than one post that will help you achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve at any one time in your life.

If there is anything you’re unsure of, e.g how to change your thoughts and beliefs, please feel free to ask and I will assist you in any way I can. There is no question that is not worth asking because they, and the answers given, will also assist everyone else reading my blog!

Makes you think, doesn’t it!

Until next time………

Love, light and hugs,

Your friend, Doris

Forgive Past Lovers

Hello again to all my dear friends,

My message to you from the Angels today….. My question was “How can I contribute even more through my appreciation and immense gratitude to fulfill my purpose and create abundance?”

“Your romantic life is shaped by your feelings about your previous relationships. Your emotions about the past have formed logjams that block love from entering. We need to clear the path so that new romance can get through.

Practically every human we’ve encountered harbours old feelings toward former lovers, so don’t feel shame if you do, too. Instead, put your whole focus on moving beyond the past. Unhitch yourself from the heavy burden that you’ve been hauling around for so long.

Begin by opening yourself completely to our healing presence. Release all painful feelings from the past…. just let them go. You’ll always retain the love and lessons from every relationship. Today, we’re only clearing the aftermath of hurtful memories. Open your heart to us now, and feel us sweeping away the cobwebs that have bound your heart in cold silence. Release old anger, resentment, tension, worry, guilt and shame. Let go of everything that feels painful or uncomfortable by exhaling it out now.

Feel us disentangling you from your past. We’ll do our work, and you must do yours, which is to be receptive, open and willing. Together, we’ll clear the way for love to flow through you and your life”

You must then repeat to yourself:

“I am willing to release forgiveness toward……………………………….. I now let go of old pain in exchange for a new relationship. I am a being of 100 percent love, and suffering is impossible. It is safe for me to experience romance, since my angels are guiding and protecting me.”

This is what I have done, and firmly believe this is the reason I have the amazing relationship that I have with my husband!

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time…………

Love and hugs,

Doris xxxxxxxx

Thank you Doreen Virtue for “Daily Guidance from your Angels”!


3/100 Gratitudes

My Wonderful Husband, Craig

I give thanks for you coming into my life, for loving me unconditionally and for supporting me in every way. I appreciate the relationship you have with my children, for your generosity and caring. The fact that you gave me the opportunity to be a “stay at home Mom” so that I didn’t miss out on any of Jordan’s milestones and growth. It has been such a wonderful experience and one I wouldn’t change for anything! Thank you for my first overseas trip and all the subsequent ones since then. You have made so many sacrifices and gone without to provide us with the amazing life we share. I thank you my darling, with all my heart and soul………


Questions about Angels

Hello All!

Although my spiritual growth is moving forward in leaps and bounds, I still have many answered questions! I’m sure a lot of you know of my affinity to angels because I ask them for guidance on a daily basis. However, a very good friend of mine says she feels uncomfortable when I talk about angels because I should be asking for God’s help and not that of the angels. This led me to question how many other people in my life feel this way! I’ve been doing a lot of research on this subject and receiving mixed and confusing information. I again asked for guidance and this is what I found……

Why do we pray to angels? Aren’t we supposed to pray to God?

The angels don’t want us to worship them or make them into “gods.” They want all glory to go to God. So, we don’t pray to angels. We only request their help and have conversations with them.

Angels are a gift from God, and our Creator intends for us to benefit from His gift to us. So there is nothing wrong with engaging in conversations with angels.

“Why should I talk to angels when I can talk to God?”

“When people are afraid and most in need of Heavenly help, their vibrations are too low to hear and feel the pure love of God. The angels, who are closer to Earth, are easier to hear and feel when someone is fearful or stressed. Then they can lift the person’s vibrations and help him or her be unafraid and at peace and return to a clear connection with God.”

I’m sharing this because I’m sure there a lot of other people out there who are asking the same questions. This has helped me have a better understanding and one I am comfortable with.

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time…….

Love, light and hugs,



2/100 Gratitudes

My aunt and uncle – Geoff and Lorraine.

I express my appreciation and immense gratitude for the wonderful and kind people that you are and for stepping into the role of my parents. Geoff, with your quiet strength of character and sense of fairness, you lead by example. Laney, you truly inspire me with your unwavering faith and service to God. Your love of nature and all God’s creations has been an enormous influence in my life. Spending week ends and holidays on the farm when I was growing up provided me with a childhood filled with amazing memories and strong sense of family. It still gives me a sense of “coming home” when I visit now. Thank you for being who you are and for providing so much stability in my life….