Forgive Past Lovers

Hello again to all my dear friends,

My message to you from the Angels today….. My question was “How can I contribute even more through my appreciation and immense gratitude to fulfill my purpose and create abundance?”

“Your romantic life is shaped by your feelings about your previous relationships. Your emotions about the past have formed logjams that block love from entering. We need to clear the path so that new romance can get through.

Practically every human we’ve encountered harbours old feelings toward former lovers, so don’t feel shame if you do, too. Instead, put your whole focus on moving beyond the past. Unhitch yourself from the heavy burden that you’ve been hauling around for so long.

Begin by opening yourself completely to our healing presence. Release all painful feelings from the past…. just let them go. You’ll always retain the love and lessons from every relationship. Today, we’re only clearing the aftermath of hurtful memories. Open your heart to us now, and feel us sweeping away the cobwebs that have bound your heart in cold silence. Release old anger, resentment, tension, worry, guilt and shame. Let go of everything that feels painful or uncomfortable by exhaling it out now.

Feel us disentangling you from your past. We’ll do our work, and you must do yours, which is to be receptive, open and willing. Together, we’ll clear the way for love to flow through you and your life”

You must then repeat to yourself:

“I am willing to release forgiveness toward……………………………….. I now let go of old pain in exchange for a new relationship. I am a being of 100 percent love, and suffering is impossible. It is safe for me to experience romance, since my angels are guiding and protecting me.”

This is what I have done, and firmly believe this is the reason I have the amazing relationship that I have with my husband!

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time…………

Love and hugs,

Doris xxxxxxxx

Thank you Doreen Virtue for “Daily Guidance from your Angels”!


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