From Lida

Dear Doris

Meeting you and going through the whole Life Coaching process has literally changed my life.  Before we met, I already had a wonderful life.  I just got married this year, we bought a beautiful house and I have the job of my dreams.  I thought that there wasn’t a lot to fix.

Turns out, this experience has just made my life even better!  This was and still is a wonderful journey.  I have learned that my thoughts and my unconscious mind are very powerful and what I think and how I perceive people and situations are exactly what they will be for me.

This experience has given me the courage to move to Namibia.  It has been a dream of mine for many years, but there always seems to be a good excuse to stay in Pretoria.  I was so afraid of change.  During the Parts Integration session, I was able to align my reasons for staying here and reasons for wanting to go there.  In a single moment the fear had disappeared and we are moving there next year.  Without me lifting a finger to achieve a smooth move, my company has given me the opportunity to open a branch there.  It is as if the universe was just waiting for me to make the decision to go, for everything else to fall into place.

My husband says that he can see a big change in me.  He is nine years older than me, and he said I always used to stand back and wait for his guidance or leadership before making any decisions.  He said that he feels like I am more his equal now.  I make my own decisions, I know what I want and how am going to get there.  We communicate a lot better.  I already had a wonderful marriage, now it’s just that much better.

Doris, thank you for teaching me how to take control of my life and being all that I can be.  I am so glad I met you early in my life. I can’t wait to see the life ahead us now.



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