
Hello to all my wonderful new friends!

Welcome to the first entry of my blog. This is totally new to me but I know we are going to have a lot of fun, laughter and inspiration and gain new insights and learning!

I expect that you woke up this morning with a smile on your face and expressed your appreciation and gratitude for everything you have! It is so important to start the day with feelings of gratitude, because when you do,  your day is filled with the wonder of being.

Today I want to talk about change and how resisting it can be so limiting. This is a story close to my heart, because my resistance to change and the fear of the unknown placed so many limitations on the way I lived my life and greatly impacted the decisions I made. My passion and purpose is to help and empower other people to realize their full potential, and be the best person they can be. I have wasted so much time creating boundaries for myself, when I could have been using the time constructively and effectively to fulfill my purpose.

Some people are adamant that they want to make changes in their lives, to create a different result, but when it comes down to making the commitment and some action is required, they find all sorts of reasons for not making the change.  This is where the Law of Cause and Effect comes into play, which I will cover next time….

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result” Albert Einstein.

You must take action, embrace and accept the change, and see it as embarking on an amazing new adventure filled with even more possibilities! It has opened so many doors for me and I’m so excited and grateful to be a part of changing the world, one person at a time.

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.

Would love to hear from you.

Until next time…..

Lots of light, love and hugs.