Where to start……?
It may sound a bit like rambling to start off with, because I’m writing it exactly how I’m thinking, as the inspiration and the journey unfold, from this point onwards. I’m going to share my spiritual journey and pivotal moments with you. The story will go backwards and forwards, because I’m all about the details. Please bear with me, it will start making sense, I promise!
Ok,… I’ll start from when this pivotal moment began…..
I have the whole day and evening to myself. Craig has taken Jordan with him to work today, because Craig is making one of Jordan’s dreams come true…… he’s taking him to a Selena Gomez concert at the Bell Centre in Montreal! I know the obvious choice would be that I would take him, but I would rather avoid crowds like that. He loves his son that much, that he is taking his 12 year old to a Selena concert! Got to love the man………
Back to having the day to myself……
I had an appointment at the hairdresser for 11.30, and the plan was to go back home, and start cleaning the house and then later take Bailey for a walk through the forest. When I left the salon, I chose to take the scenic drive home, through Hudson village traveling at 30 kms/hour, instead of 70 on the alternate route. The slower drive home had me absorbing and connecting to the scenery and my surroundings, taking nothing for granted, and I realized just how grateful I was, to be able to experience life in this part of the world that is Montreal, Canada. As soon as I expressed a deep sense of gratitude for that moment and for what I had, the story started to unfold, and my inspiration began….. Interestingly, my spiritual journey began the first time I expressed deep gratitude on my 48th birthday, and another pivotal moment has started the same way!
Taking you back in time now, to when I first started by blog.
The original intention of the blog was to share my journey with you from a Life Coaching point of view. There is a category called “My Journey”, but I wasn’t always clear on what to put there. I always believed that it was my purpose to give you advice on how to live the life you were born to have, to inspire you to create a breakthrough in your own life. It was my way of paying it forward. The thing is though, I was always thinking about, and researching for content, and I sort of got stuck for ideas. My blog lacked content for a while, and my excuse and justification was that we were settling into a new country, and adjusting took up all my energy. The content slowly dwindled to what it is up to this point.
Craig is always telling me to write a book, and my dilemma has always been not knowing what to write about, what the subject would be……….. and today, it hit me! I had finally let go of my limiting belief……
The housework will have to wait! Sorry Baliey, I will make it up to you!
I will share my spiritual journey with you, in a diary kind of way….. or perhaps like a spiritual biography. Let’s see where it takes us. I love my life the way it is now, and it keeps getting even better! We can learn life’s lessons from each other. I would love for you to all participate, and share your journeys. We can grow from each other’s experiences, as well as our own. Think about it, our experiences could end up being a part of a book! We can share our journeys.
I thought about announcing it on my Self and Beyond Face Book page, but decided that would be too impersonal. I prefer the intimacy of the members of the blog, because we are all like-minded to start off with!
We’ll go back again to when we first moved to Montreal…..
My focus, and Craig’s, was to set up a home and establish roots, in the shortest possible time. We did that, and then I found myself asking what next?
My intention was always to find a group that I could identify with and who were on the same path. I had that in South Africa, but I had to start all over again. I thought I’d start by joining a few local community face book pages, and I made some wonderful friends. It was on one of these pages that I experienced the next pivotal moment. A group called Awakening Café advertised their next get together, and the topic was “Mindfulness”. Unbeknown to them, advertising was not allowed on this particular page, and it was quickly removed. However, it was on long enough for me to see it, and take down the details.
I attended their seminar and I loved it! I walked away at the end of the evening feeling like my soul had been fed! It was there that I met the next soul to guide me forward. She introduced me to a group of ladies who get together monthly, to share energy and growth with each other. The topic of discussion was to identify 5 pivotal moments in our lives that brought us to where we were at that moment.
That meeting was one of mine…….
The lady who is the inspiration behind the group bears a striking resemblance to my sister-in-law, who was one of my first pivotal moments. It seemed very fitting that she would be a part of the next one!