
Hi Everyone!

I’ve been thinking about how I was going to compose this page that is my journey. I thought about doing it like a mini biography in chapter form but wasn’t quite sure. I been asking the angels to guide me and today I sat down at my laptop and the following words just flowed. So I guess this is how it’s going to be! Thank you angels…..

For a long time now I have lived my life believing that life is made up of problems, and our ability to deal with life’s problems determined our quality of life! Do you see what I was focusing on?? Instead of focusing on a wonderful, contented life full of quality and love, I was focusing on being strong enough to deal with life’s problems!

Thank goodness I have now learned to say thank you for my life and appreciate everything I have, my wonderful husband and children, my family and friends, my home and the peaceful and tranquil surroundings that we live in. I look at the world through totally different eyes now and I’m happy all the time. One the rare occasion than I am unhappy, I take responsibility for it because I know that I have chosen to feel that way. As soon as I become aware of it and I take responsibility for it, I’m able to move beyond that and I’m happy again! Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means you’ve decided to see beyond the imperfections and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. I have learned that I am totally in charge of my state and it is just so empowering for me.

The reason I chose to do the Evolved Life Coaching Course is because I felt like I was evolving at the time, and I wanted to learn even more about this new self awareness I’d discovered. I felt so fortunate for reaching this wonderful space that I was in and I wanted to share it with everyone! You see, I feel so totally blessed!

Life Coaching gave me the tools to empower everyone else, not only through my own life experiences, but also with even more knowledge than I already had.

Until next time…..

Love and hugs,


The Pencil

Hello there friends,

I found this parable yesterday which I want to share….

A pencil maker told the pencil 5 important lessons just before putting it in the box :

  • Everything you do will always leave a mark
  • You can always correct the mistakes you make
  • What is important is what is inside of you
  • In life, you will undergo painful sharpenings, which will only make you better
  • To be the best pencil, you must allow yourself to be held and guided by the hand that holds you

We all need to be constantly sharpened. This parable may encourage you to know that you are a special person, with unique talents and abilities.
Only you can fulfill the purpose which you were born to accomplish.  Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and cannot be changed and, like the pencil, always remember that the most important part of who you are is what’s inside of you.

Until next time….

Love and hugs,


Pain and Growth

This comment was sent to me today by Gabrielle…..

“There are so many people suffering pain today. Whether it is financial, relationships, jobs, illness, grief, family crisis etc. Part of our conditioning is to want to avoid pain and so we very cleverly try and devise ways to avoid this pain of the moment. For every moment of pain we allow to happen to us, we gain the same moment of wisdom. Wisdom allows us to grow and gives us strength to deal with the next moment of pain we will have to endure. I say bring on the pain so that we grow and turn this wisdom into joy as quickly as we can. When we feel, we are alive. When we stop feeling there is no growth, no wisdom and no joy. I choose pain, bring it on.”

Makes you think doesn’t it?

Until next time……

Love and hugs,



Hello all!

I trust you are creating a wonderful day and expressing your gratitude for the beauty that surrounds you!

“Looking clearly at your own beliefs is a lot like doing a major spring-cleaning. When you’ve emptied out each garbage bag filled with your prejudices, doubts, and misguided ideas, you can welcome in the fresh air of springtime. You are now ready to see what’s been hidden under all of the chaos–the gifts of spirit that are your allies on the path to becoming your own shaman.” – Deborah King

Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!”

Your beliefs/thoughts create your state, which dictates your behaviour and therefore your results! As a Life Coach I teach you how to control your thoughts, which will ultimately give you the results you want. In other words, we spring clean and throw out the garbage bags…..

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time……..

Lots of love and hugs,




Hello Everyone!!!

If you are enjoying my blog please click on the orange button to subscribe or register to receive emails. That way, whenever I post something new, you will be notified. It also tells me how many people I am reaching and that’s important to me! It would be even better if you commented and we could start a dialogue!

After all, my Key Focus Filter is “How can I contribute even more through my appreciation and immense gratitude to fulfill my purpose!”

I believe Life Coaching and inspiring other people to live their lives to be the best they can be is my purpose, and for this I am eternally grateful. A lot of people go through life not knowing what their purpose is, but I’ve been very fortunate in finding mine!

When I post, it is usually something that resonates with me and really made a difference in my life, which I want to share with you. It also makes me feel sooo good when I get feedback that I made a difference in someone else’s life  – it’s my drug of choice…..

Until next time…..

Love and hugs (I love hugs!),



Hello there,

This was a HUGE lesson for me and I want to share it with you!

“Every mistake you make is progress.

Mistakes teach you important lessons. Every time you make one, you’re one step closer to your goal. The only mistake that can truly hurt you is choosing to do nothing simply because you’re too scared to make a mistake.

So don’t hesitate – don’t doubt yourself. In life, it’s rarely about getting a chance; it’s about taking a chance. You’ll never be 100% sure it will work, but you can always be 100% sure doing nothing won’t work. Most of the time you just have to go for it!

And no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be. Either you succeed or you learn something. Win-Win. Remember, if you never act, you will never know for sure, and you will be left standing in the same spot forever.” Marc & Angel Hack Life

Makes you think, doesn’t it!

Until next time….

Love, light and hugs,
