
The thoughts we think, the words we speak, the beliefs we accept, shape our tomorrows. Every morning, stand in front of a mirror and affirm to yourself:

I am filled with unconditional love, and I express it today.

I am filled with joy, and I express it today.

I am filled with peace, and I express it today.

I am filled with infinite wisdom, and I practice it today.

And this is the truth about me.

Now that is a powerful way to start your day! You can do it!

Louise L Hay



Today I trust that the events in my life are not random. My experiences are not mistakes, and the Universe, my Higher Power, and life are not picking on me. I’m going through exactly what I need to go through to learn something valuable – something that will prepare me for the joy and love I’m seeking….

Melody Beattie


Hello friends,

“An affirmation opens the door. It’s a beginning point on the path to change. Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. Use daily affirmations and create joyful, abundant life experiences with every word and thought”…..  Hay House

I’m going to be posting various affirmations on a regular basis. I suggest you repeat them frequently to yourself  (out loud is even better) because they then become a habit and you begin to manifest them in your life. Your unconscious mind takes everything you say personally, the good and the bad, and affirmations are a way to say positive things and create the wonderful changes you so deserve!

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time………

Love, light and hugs,
