5/100 Gratitudes

Warren and Kelly (my son & daughter)

I am filled with gratitude for the adults you have both turned out to be! Your empathy, generosity of spirit, loyalty and caring for your fellow human beings leave me in awe….. Your sense of humour and the love you show me brightens up my day. I give thanks every day and love you both soooo much! You are 2 of the parts that complete me and I am so proud to be your Mom…….!

3/100 Gratitudes

My Wonderful Husband, Craig

I give thanks for you coming into my life, for loving me unconditionally and for supporting me in every way. I appreciate the relationship you have with my children, for your generosity and caring. The fact that you gave me the opportunity to be a “stay at home Mom” so that I didn’t miss out on any of Jordan’s milestones and growth. It has been such a wonderful experience and one I wouldn’t change for anything! Thank you for my first overseas trip and all the subsequent ones since then. You have made so many sacrifices and gone without to provide us with the amazing life we share. I thank you my darling, with all my heart and soul………


2/100 Gratitudes

My aunt and uncle – Geoff and Lorraine.

I express my appreciation and immense gratitude for the wonderful and kind people that you are and for stepping into the role of my parents. Geoff, with your quiet strength of character and sense of fairness, you lead by example. Laney, you truly inspire me with your unwavering faith and service to God. Your love of nature and all God’s creations has been an enormous influence in my life. Spending week ends and holidays on the farm when I was growing up provided me with a childhood filled with amazing memories and strong sense of family. It still gives me a sense of “coming home” when I visit now. Thank you for being who you are and for providing so much stability in my life….

1/100 Gratitudes

Dear Mom, thank you so much for being the person that you were. You were a single mom of 3 children, one of whom is deaf and who had to attend a special school far away from home. You had to move in with your parents and often worked 2 jobs to make ends meet because you had no support from our father. You did the best you could under the circumstances. I am the strong, loving, caring, independent person I am today because of the lessons I learned from you. I have a wonderful relationship with my children because I decided that I wanted a different relationship with them to the one I had with you.  For this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul. Rest in peace Mom, lots of love and hugs, your daughter, Doris”.