Gratitude List

So much has happened in my life in the last year that I’ve forgotten about what’s important! One of the things that has affected my life is neglecting to add to my gratitude list, which is sad because I really have so much to be grateful for!

A friend of mine started a “Gratitude” group on face book this week and added me as a member. It very quickly reminded me where my attention and focus was lacking……. Reading everyone’s posts everyday has uplifted me so much, and inspired me to continue with my own list on a regular basis……..

For all those who, like me, started and allowed life to get in the way, please resume your list……… it really does lift your vibration and attracts more to be grateful for! I started posting on her FB page 3 days ago and my life has already changed for the better…….

Makes you think, doesn’t it….?

With love, light and hugs,



“Life Begins Where Fear Ends”

Hello all…. I’m back!!!

It has been a very long absence I know, so please allow me to explain……..

As some of you may already know, in April 2012 we made the BIG move (in so many ways) from Pretoria, South Africa to Montreal, Quebec in Canada! There have been so many things to arrange and organise and I allowed them to take priority over my blog.  We are all settled in now and I have finally established a new routine.

Our move has provided me with the perfect subject to resume my blog, and to quote Osho – “Life begins where fear ends”.

My husband has always wanted to live and work abroad and because of my fear of change, I blocked him all the way. I was in a comfort zone, surrounded by family and friends and everything that was important to me. That is until I became involved with my life coaching and realised just how much I was limiting myself and my family.

Once he got the go ahead from me, he managed to secure a transfer with the company he works for, and we started the process of applying for work visas. The planning and organising it took to get us here required a lot of energy and persistence, and we learned so many lessons along the way. The biggest one being patience (especially for me). Our visas, which should have taken about 3 months to come through, actually took nearly 8 months! That was another lesson we learned –  NEVER give up and keep focusing on the end goal, and it all paid off in the end! We finally left SA on 28 April 2012 which, interestingly was also Freedom Day….. Some people might call it a coincidence, but I don’t believe in coincidence. I totally believe it was significant in that I was freeing myself from my own prison of the fear of change that I had created.

We have experienced all 4 seasons now and I have loved every one of them. They each hold their own beauty! We arrived at the beginning of Spring – there was still a definite nip in the air. We were early enough to witness the budding of the flowers and the new shoots of leaves on the trees, and then the burst of beauty with the new growth and rebirth happening all around us. Another significant time for me. I felt the universe was celebrating my new growth with me, using Mother Nature as an example!

Summer arrived and we moved into our new home as temperatures reached the mid 30 degree C range. We used Summer as an opportunity to start exploring the new world we found ourselves in, and it was spectacular. Montreal is surrounded by a lot of water and the locals celebrate the long Summer holidays by taking to the water and “beaches” in droves.

Then came Autumn….. a truly spectacular tapestry of colours surrounded us everywhere! The beauty is hard to describe, even a photograph doesn’t really do it justice. You have to be here to see and really appreciate the beauty of nature in all her glory, and how she works .

Winter has now arrived!! I don’t know who was more excited when we experienced our first snow fall, my 10 year son or I! I was watching him through the window as he got off the school bus, and saw him looking skyward and holding out his hand to catch the snowflakes as they were falling. I realised what was happening and ran outside, and the 2 of us were laughing and giggling and jumping around at the prospect of experiencing our first snowfall. The temperature has already dropped to -28 degrees & I’m told can go as low as -40! Fortunately, the houses are heated and there is a huge choice of Winter clothing to choose from to keep warm. The low temperatures do nothing to keep people indoors. There is so much to do and so many Winter activities to choose from that no one can complain of boredom. The next lesson here is attitude! Having the right attitude makes the long, cold Winter something to look forward to! Instead of complaining about the cold, embrace it and see it as an opportunity to ski, skate, toboggan, snow board, and play or watch ice hockey. The St Lawrence River, which is used in the Summer months for sailing and swimming, is dotted with vehicles and ice huts, and used for ice fishing in Winter. That huge expanse of water freezes to a depth of 4 feet, and is solid enough to take the weight of vehicles and is a sight to behold!

I am so grateful to have this opportunity of experiencing this new life that I am creating – I’ve seen Niagara Falls in Winter and it is stunning, and I’m really looking forward to seeing it in Summer. I’m also looking forward to seeing more of the beauty that Canada has to offer, to embracing more change, because change also brings with it an enormous opportunity to grow and move forward, to learn even more lessons, and to share this insight to all who will listen!

None of this would have happened if I hadn’t taken the huge step to overcome my fear of change. I stepped out of my comfort zone and straight into the magic!

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time……………

With much love and light,



My Pledge

My Pledge

  • I commit to living a life of non-judgment, releasing all opinions and other thoughts of separation, fear and suffering
  • I am devoted to being a loving and compassionate presence in my own life
  • I am willing to remember that Love is the only healer there is, and that Love is my true identity and the true identity of all beings
  • I actively recognize that I am one with ALL life
  • I intend to Seek the Kingdom within, knowing that ALL else will be added unto me


8/100, 9/100, 10/100 Gratitudes

8/100 Gratitudes

My Clients.

To my awesome clients! Your positive feedback repeatedly reminds me of how fortunate I am to have attracted you into my life. The overwhelming sense of fulfillment I get with the knowledge that I was instrumental in guiding you through your transformation inspires me even more!  With every new client I learn new lessons and continue to grow and grow. I LOVE my job! Thank you…..

9/100 Gratitudes

My Surroundings at Home.

I am so grateful to live in a place where I am surrounded by nature, peace and tranquility. While I’m sitting here on my verandah typing this, my dogs are lying at my feet, the sun is shining and I can hear the birds singing and chirping happily whilst they go about their business. I have two wagtails who regularly visit me and keep me company when I sit outside. I walked around my garden this morning and saw the first signs of spring – the beginnings of re-growth of plants after the cold winter, which brought to mind the continuous cycle of nature and a reminder that we, as human beings, also never stop growing and evolving!

10/100 Gratitudes

My Friend Cheryl

Your love of life and sense of humour bring a happy and positive element to all those you come into contact with.  You are kind, generous and honest to a fault and can be relied on at the drop of a hat, and you ask for nothing in return.

I have known you for about 14 years now and I couldn’t ask for a better friend. I am so grateful to have found an awesome friend like you! You came into my life at exactly the right time, when I needed you most. Your sense of fairness and objectivity kick started my journey all those years ago and I will be forever be grateful to you!


7/100 Gratitudes

Robert Simic and Peter Redelinghuys (my trainers at Evolved Coaching)

To two of the most awesome teachers that I know! My appreciation for the two of you knows no bounds. You helped me clear up all the baggage that was restricting me from being the best I can be and you gave me clarity when life was murky. You provided me with the powerful tools I use today to empower all those around me to be the best they can be. You also helped me realise what my life purpose is. Because of you, I now live my life with meaning, focused on serving and giving back and it is such an amazing way to live! My life has changed so profoundly and I am attracting even more amazing people to share my journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you……

6/100 Gratitudes

Jordan (my youngest son)

You light up my life every day. Your caring and sensitive nature for all things, your appeciation of the beautiful sunrises and sunsets we experience together and your love of God brings such joy to my heart. You were our “miracle” baby because you were born when I was in my 40’s, and you were instrumental in turning my life around. You helped me realise the true miracle of creation and the wonder of nature that surrounds us. Thank you…. I love you to the stars and moon and back!

5/100 Gratitudes

Warren and Kelly (my son & daughter)

I am filled with gratitude for the adults you have both turned out to be! Your empathy, generosity of spirit, loyalty and caring for your fellow human beings leave me in awe….. Your sense of humour and the love you show me brightens up my day. I give thanks every day and love you both soooo much! You are 2 of the parts that complete me and I am so proud to be your Mom…….!