Merry Christmas!

To all my dear family and friends…….

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!

May the year ahead bless you with abundance and an even deeper faith and belief in yourself. May you face your life lessons with even more courage, confidence and optimism. Have forgiveness in your heart for all those who have misjudged you and live your life filled with gratitude, love and humour. This is my wish for you……..

Make you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time………

Lots of love, light ans hugs,



Hello again to all my dear friends and family……..

Today I am focusing on relationships and, once again, the Law of Attraction applies….

If you think you are lonely or unhappy and unfulfilled, you will be! The reverse is also true. If you choose to believe that you are happy and in a loving relationship then you are! You see, the transformation has to come from within. You must work on your relationship with yourself and become the person you want to attract into your life.

I mentioned in a previous post that that no one else can make you happy or complete you, only you can do that! Instead of focusing on NOT having, focus on everything that is POSITIVE in your life. Start with loving yourself more, and you will attract people and situations that bring joy, happiness and abundance into your life. Do you want to experience unconditional love? Then GIVE unconditional love! Do you want a fulfilling relationship? Then start with your relationship with yourself.

We are often told how we must treat other people, but what about how we treat ourselves? How often do we criticise and say harsh words to ourselves when we make a perceived mistake? We have to ask ourselves if we would treat our best friend or partner the same way? We wouldn’t, would we? So why do we treat ourselves that way? Let today be a totally new day. Be aware of your thoughts. Be patient with yourself, be encouraging and say loving and kind words to yourself and watch what happens!

Everyone you attract into your life is a reflection of your thoughts and emotions and you will easily manifest them, so keep those thoughts positive! You are wasting your valuable energy if you choose to punish yourself or think you’re unworthy. Stop berating yourself and start loving yourself!

My suggestion to you is to take time out for yourself. Go into your garden or to a park, reconnect with nature, be aware of and breathe in the beauty that surrounds us. Rejuvenate your soul! Let go of all the clutter and negative thoughts and emotions that are going on in your head, because they do not serve you, they bring you more negativity and turmoil!! Go within and reflect on everything that is good and wonderful in your life. You and I both know that there is so much to be grateful for – we just have to take the time and we will find what we are searching for……!

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time…….

Love, light and hugs,



Hello friends,

I trust that this glorious new day will bring you everything you wish for!

Today I want to talk about forgiveness……

In order to feel free, you must forgive everyone in your life that you believe has betrayed you in some form or another. This may feel like a daunting exercise to begin with, but it ends up being so liberating!

It’s extremely daunting for many people. The older you are, the more daunting it may seem. The longer we hold onto things and situations, the more we identify ourselves as “the one who was betrayed,” or “the one who did something wrong” or “the one who was hurt”. It’s such a valuable lesson to realize that these hurts do not define you, and are not your true identity, nor will they ever be.

If we become identified as the one who was hurt, or the one who made a mistake, then we’ll always be playing small and living on the “effect” side of life. We’ll always be living less than what our true potential is. It’s time to live at “cause” and say “enough is enough!” You are the only one who can decide. That’s why I share what I do, because it was the path of liberation for me, and it still is! I see it as a “work in progress”.

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time………

Love, light and hugs,


The Aware Show

Hello to all my friends……………

I have been listening to a series of talks with different luminaries and authors via a teleseminar on The Aware Show which is hosted by Lisa Garr.

The conversation on this particular teleseminar was with prominent geologist, Gregg Braden, and was one of the most relevant conversations that can be had today.

Gregg is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality.

He spoke about the importance of earth cycles and how we are living at the end of a 5,125-year cycle, according to the Mayan calendar, and that the year 2012 is not an end, like a lot of people believe, but a beginning of a new cycle. During the discussion Gregg confirmed that world climates are cyclical and the current changes in the weather patterns are an indication of the start of the new cycle.

Lisa’s discussion with Gregg caused me to think about our relationship to the world and other people differently.  What he said just made so much sense to me.

It was previously thought that civilisation began about 5 000 years ago…..

On the call, Gregg spoke about civilizations that have recently been discovered through archeological digs in several places around the world. These digs show evidence of civilizations that existed as long as 11,350 years ago – civilizations that had no evidence of weapons, walls, motes or anything that symbolized unrest. These civilizations were the ones who were self-sustaining and lasted for thousands of years.

The main point to be taken from the interview is it’s the way we TREAT one another during this time of change and the CHOICES WE MAKE that will make the difference in our current global situation.

Somewhere along the way, we have lost the insight and conscious awareness of working in harmony with the earth and nature, and we must radically change the way we think about our world, ourselves, and our past.

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time……….

Love, light and hugs,



Notice All of Life’s Gifts

Dear Friends,

The following passage has been taken, once again, from Doreen Virtue’s book, “Daily guidance from your Angels”. It ties in with the universal Law of Attraction as well as your Gratitude List that I suggested a few posts back.

“Each day, life sends many gifts to you. They include experiences that open up your heart, helpful people, synchronistic opportunities and nature’s beauty. The more you pay attention to these blessings, the more of them the universe sends your way.

Notice as many gifts as possible today. They may be subtle – a ray of sunshine warming you from amidst dark clouds, or a kind person who lets you go first at a crowded intersection – but everyone counts.

As you develop the habit of acknowledging these delightful moments, you’ll receive them continuously in the steady flow that is the universe’s generous nature”.

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time…………

Love and hugs,
