Take Steps Toward Your Life Purpose

Hello again to all my friends,

I firmly believe that that my life purpose is to provide people with the tools to empower them to live the lives that they choose and dream of. In my quest to achieve this I do a lot of research and gather a lot of information, for my own continuous growth and spiritual upliftment, as well as to share with anyone who will listen! Although my work as a life coach is extremely fulfilling and inspiring, I can’t help wondering what else there is I can do in addition to life coaching. Today when I asked my angels for guidance, I also specifically asked what the next step should be on my journey and this is the answer I received (verbatim), when I opened up “Your Daily Daily Guidance from Your Angels” by Doreen Virtue.

“You specifically want to know: What should I do next on my life path? The answer is to follow the inner wisdom guiding you to take vital action steps, such as making healthy lifestyle changes, contacting a particular person, reading a certain book or taking a special class.

Life-purpose guidance is always given one step at a time. And as you complete each one, the next is revealed. Whatever message you’re receiving, you’ll know that it’s an answer to your prayers when it’s repetitive, uplifting and positive in nature.”

Isn’t that amazing!! This book never ceases to amaze me! Whatever question I ask, I always get an answer….!

I share these experiences with you because I’m sure a lot of you reading my blog are likely to ask the same questions at some time in your lives, and my intention is to provide you with some clarity.  When you ask for guidance or truth, as long as you open your mind to receive the answer to your question, it will come to you! It makes no difference whether you are religious or spiritual, or believe in the energy that surrounds us and the power of the universe.

What is your life purpose? Ask yourself this question and see what answer comes to you…..! My post in “Thought for the Day” will help and guide you……..

Make you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time………

Love, light and hugs,

Your friend, Doris



Spring is in the air and my heart feels like dancing.
I get out in nature as much as I can.
Every blade of grass, every flower and every bird I see brings joy to my heart.
I know that just around the corner new experiences are available to me.
I greet each new day with optimism and joy. I am a bundle of joy and people love to see me.
It is such an exciting time to be alive!
Thank you Louise L Hay.

Let Go of Self-Judgement

Dear friends,

I have a client today who I know has been carrying a lot of guilt, and I asked for guidance from the angels, which I always do before a coaching session,  and this was their message…..

“Ultimately, the only person you need to forgive is yourself. Any anger, resentment or grudges that you hold toward others can be traced back to feelings you have about yourself. This is why some of your attempts to forgive others have seemed unsuccessful. Until you forgive yourself, self reproach will bleed into your relationships with those around you.

Self-forgiveness is different from accepting blame. Instead, it means first facing your feelings of guilt or anger. Admitting these emotions to yourself releases the power they had over you previously while they remained hidden secrets. Your  self-candour will lead you to the understanding that you didn’t do anything bad, because nothing wrong can happen in God’s universe.

Today, forgive yourself for what you think you did or didn’t do. Release the illusion of blame or self-contempt. Since you’re 100 percent love, just like your Creator, you’re only capable of cherishing yourself.”

My “Daily Guidance from Your Angels” ALWAYS comes through for me! Thank you Doreen Virtue….

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time……

Love, light and hugs,

Your friend,


Are You Happy?

Hello there everyone!

If I had to ask you if your partner makes you happy, really happy, what would your answer be?

Your answer should be “The fact that I am happy or not, doesn’t depend on anyone else but me!”

You see, you make the choice to be happy in each situation and in each moment of your life. If your happiness were to depend on other people, on other things or circumstances, you would be in serious trouble!

Everything that exists in this life changes constantly; humans, wealth, your body, the climate, pleasures etc. The list is infinite. I have learned a few things during my life. We decide to be happy and the rest is a matter of experiences or circumstances, like helping and understanding, accepting, listening and consoling. Happiness will always be found in forgiveness and loving yourself and others.

It is not the responsibility of anyone else to make you happy….. they also have their own experiences or circumstances. People change, you change, the environment changes. Having forgiveness and true love, and observing these changes, they can be big or little, but change always happens and we must face these changes with the love that exists in each of us. If we love and forgive each other, the changes will only be experiences or circumstances that enrich us and give us strength.

To truly love is difficult. It is to forgive unconditionally, to live, to take the experiences or circumstances as they are, facing them together and being happy with conviction.

There are those who say “I cannot be happy because I am sick, because I have no money, because it is too cold, because they insulted me, because someone stopped loving me, because someone didn’t appreciate me!” What you don’t know is is that you can be happy even though you are sick, whether it is too hot, whether you have money or not, whether someone has insulted you, or someone didn’t love you or someone didn’t value you.

BEING HAPPY is an attitude about life and each one of us must decide! BEING HAPPY depends on you!

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time………..

Love, light and hugs,



The Greatest Discovery

The greatest discovery of the 19th century was not in the realm of the physical sciences, but the power of the subconscious mind touched by faith. Any individual can tap into an eternal reservoir of power that will enable them to overcome any problem that may arise. All weaknesses can be overcome, bodily healing, financial independence, spiritual awakening, prosperity beyond your wildest dreams. This is the superstructure of happiness.

~ William James, Harvard Psychologist, the Father of American Psychology




Hello dear friends,

Do you find yourself worrying about things that might happen tomorrow or the next day or the next? I’m posting this today to tell you to STOP worrying about things that haven’t happened yet and might never happen! You will create stress and open yourself up to kinds of dis-ease, and because you are focusing on it, you will attract it into your life. Then if it does happen you say, “You see, I was right, I knew it would happen!” You then create a circle of continuous worry and stress! Do you see how negatively this impacts your life? Some may say it can’t be helped because they come from a family who stress and worry over things, in other words, it’s in their genes. I say absolutely NOT! It’s in your mind, it’s what you are focusing on! You can change anything in your life that you want to, just by changing the way you look at it.

I say, stay in this moment, right here, right now. This is all that matters, this is where your life is being lived.

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time………..

Love and hugs,

Your friend, Doris



Hello again to all my dear friends…….

Today I want to talk about focus because we are so often told to “think positive” and then experience feelings of disappointment when it doesn’t work! I’m going to explain why it doesn’t always work for us.

Often when we think positively, the picture we have in our mind is the exact opposite of what we want and the way we say it sabotages our results. For example, “I want that job I applied for” First of all, when we say “I want”, it leaves us with a feeling of “wanting”. We might then have a picture of the other jobs we applied for and weren’t successful. The correct way to say it is “I have my dream job”, picture yourself in those surroundings, hear the buzz of all the conversations in the office, picture your new boss giving you work instructions and receiving your new payslip with the company logo. Repeat this several times during the day, concentrating on the same pictures, sounds and feelings (refer to my blog on Affirmations) and act as if it is already your reality!

Remember, we are all made of energy and connected to each other and the universe. When we focus on what we want in the correct way, the universe literally aligns itself to give us what we are focusing on! The reverse is also true. If we focus on negativity and feelings of self doubt or even feeling sick, the universe responds and give us exactly what we are focusing on…. It’s very important to be aware of what our focus is and to adjust it accordingly when it doesn’t serve us.

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time……….

Love and hugs,

Your friend Doris.


Hello dear friends,

I was driving home after picking up my son Jordan from school yesterday and this song came on the radio. We turned the volume up high and sang along at the top of our voices – we were so caught up with the up-beat music and the lyrics that being in tune was the furthest thing from our minds!! I think the words are stunning, and so appropriate and in line with how we should see ourselves, and I felt compelled to share it with you. I have edited it slightly so you can read it as a lesson rather than a song…..

Firework by Katy Perry

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in,

Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under and screaming
But no one seems to hear a thing

Do you know that there’s still a chance for you
Because there’s a spark in you
You’ve just got to ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Because you’re a firework
Come on show them what you’re worth
Make them go “Oh, oh, oh!”
As you shoot across the sky,
Come on let your colors burst
Even brighter than the moon.

You don’t have to feel like a waste of space
You’re original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe you’re the reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road

Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it’s time, you’ll know
You’ve just got to ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

You’re a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make them go “Oh, oh, oh!”
You’re going leave them all in awe

It’s always been inside of you,
And now it’s time to let it through…..

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time………..

Love and hugs,

Your friend, Doris


Thoughts and Beliefs

Hello again to all my friends,

I will continue to bring this to your attention in different ways because it determines the quality of the lives we are living right now! Remember, your state (thoughts and beliefs) determines your behaviour, which determines your results…. If you are unhappy with the results you are getting, change your thoughts and beliefs. With that in mind, I want to share a quote from Louise Hay with you.

“Your thoughts and beliefs of the past have created this moment, and all the moments up to this moment. What you are now choosing to believe and think and say will create the next  moment and the next day and the next month and the next year.”

Whenever you have moments of self doubt or feel like a victim, that’s exactly what you will attract so change your thoughts to something positive. Pre-empt those moments by making a list of positive affirmations and read  them whenever you are feeling low, or refer to my blog, because my intention is to help everyone achieve and live the lives they want and be the person they want to be! I am sure you will find more than one post that will help you achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve at any one time in your life.

If there is anything you’re unsure of, e.g how to change your thoughts and beliefs, please feel free to ask and I will assist you in any way I can. There is no question that is not worth asking because they, and the answers given, will also assist everyone else reading my blog!

Makes you think, doesn’t it!

Until next time………

Love, light and hugs,

Your friend, Doris

Forgive Past Lovers

Hello again to all my dear friends,

My message to you from the Angels today….. My question was “How can I contribute even more through my appreciation and immense gratitude to fulfill my purpose and create abundance?”

“Your romantic life is shaped by your feelings about your previous relationships. Your emotions about the past have formed logjams that block love from entering. We need to clear the path so that new romance can get through.

Practically every human we’ve encountered harbours old feelings toward former lovers, so don’t feel shame if you do, too. Instead, put your whole focus on moving beyond the past. Unhitch yourself from the heavy burden that you’ve been hauling around for so long.

Begin by opening yourself completely to our healing presence. Release all painful feelings from the past…. just let them go. You’ll always retain the love and lessons from every relationship. Today, we’re only clearing the aftermath of hurtful memories. Open your heart to us now, and feel us sweeping away the cobwebs that have bound your heart in cold silence. Release old anger, resentment, tension, worry, guilt and shame. Let go of everything that feels painful or uncomfortable by exhaling it out now.

Feel us disentangling you from your past. We’ll do our work, and you must do yours, which is to be receptive, open and willing. Together, we’ll clear the way for love to flow through you and your life”

You must then repeat to yourself:

“I am willing to release forgiveness toward……………………………….. I now let go of old pain in exchange for a new relationship. I am a being of 100 percent love, and suffering is impossible. It is safe for me to experience romance, since my angels are guiding and protecting me.”

This is what I have done, and firmly believe this is the reason I have the amazing relationship that I have with my husband!

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time…………

Love and hugs,

Doris xxxxxxxx

Thank you Doreen Virtue for “Daily Guidance from your Angels”!