Doris Schöneberg

Parenting Coach, Spiritual Guide, and Shamanic Practitioner


Honour Your Compassionate Heart

Guidance from our Angels:

“All people are doing the best they can, including you. Remembering this can sometimes require a lot of compassion, but keep this thought in mind as you go about your day.

If you find yourself judging someone (including yourself), know that all people are doing the best they can. Allow yourself and others to occasionally stumble along the way. Instead of sending judgments, transmit prayers and warm feelings.

You have a compassionate heart, and love is your true nature. You feel better when you act in accordance with your authentic self, who is understanding, loving and very gentle. Feel the joy of being who you are by seeing everyone through the lens of your caring heart.”

If we all lived our lives with this in mind the world would be an even better place…….!

Until next time…..

Lots of love, light and hugs,


Can You Change Reality?

Hello World!

I found this really interesting article today by Gregg Braden. He is a New York Times best selling author and is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality.

My first encounter with Gregg Braden was when I watched his DVD’s called “The Science of Miracles” whilst doing my Evolved Life Coaching Course. All my questions about the connection between the universe and religion were answered and everything finally made sense! What Gregg talks about is basically what I teach my clients to do on their path to self empowerment! I teach them that their thoughts/beliefs determine their state, their state determines their behaviour and their behaviour determines their results.

Enjoy the article and I look forward to you sharing any thoughts and opinions…..

“Science proves that your beliefs shape our world.

Scientific evidence now reveals that belief affects everything from the healing of our bodies to the atoms of Reality itself! What could be more important than understanding how to use such an awesome power to reverse disease, create peace and abundance and even change Reality itself?

Scientists have shown that while we may think we’re only watching and observing our world, in fact, it’s impossible for us to simply “watch” anything. Whether our attention is focused on a quantum particle during a laboratory experiment or anything else, from the healing of our body to the success of our careers and relationships, we have expectations and beliefs about what we’re watching. Sometimes we’re consciously aware of our expectations and beliefs. But oftentimes we’re not. It’s these inner experiences that become part of what we’re focused on. By “watching” we become part of what we’re watching.

In the words of physicist John Wheeler, that makes us all “participators.” The reason? When we focus our attention on a given place in a moment of time, we involve our consciousness. And in the vast field of consciousness it appears that there’s no clear boundary that tells us where we stop and the rest of the world begins. When we think of the world this way, it becomes clear why the ancients believed that everything is connected. As energy, it is.

As scientists continue to explore just what it means to be participators, new evidence points to an inescapable conclusion: That we live in an interactive reality where we change the world around us by changing what happens inside of us while we’re watching—our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. The implication is clear: From the healing of disease and the length of our lives, to the success of our careers and relationships, everything that we experience as “life” is directly linked to what we believe.

We find ourselves faced with undeniable evidence confirming that we are the architects of our reality. With this confirmation, we also find that we have the power to make disease obsolete and relegate war to a memory of our past. Suddenly, the key to catapult our greatest dreams into reality is within our reach. It all comes back to us. Where do we fit in the universe? What is it that we’re supposed to be doing in life?

The transformation that the reality revolution brings to our lives has erupted with a force unmatched by anything in the past because the same discoveries that have sparked the questions have also led to the conclusion that the “facts” we’ve trusted for 300 years to explain the universe and our role in it are flawed. They’re based upon two assumptions that have been proven to be false: (1) The space between “things” is empty; and (2) Our inner experiences of feeling and belief have no effect upon the world beyond our bodies.

Paradigm-shattering experiments, published in leading-edge, peer-reviewed journals reveal that we’re bathed in a field of intelligent energy that fills what used to be thought of as empty space. Beyond any reasonable doubt, additional discoveries show that this field responds to us—it literally rearranges itself—in the presence of our heart-based feelings and beliefs to become the healing of our bodies and the peace of our world! And this is the revolution that changes everything.

With these and similar discoveries in mind, we must ask ourselves the question that is perhaps the most revealing of all: Are we born with the natural ability to create and modify our bodies and the world? If so, then we must be willing to ask an even more difficult question: What responsibility do we have to use our birth-given power in the presence of what are arguably the greatest threats to the future of our lives, our world, and even our species?

The Bottom Line: To change our lives and relationships, heal our bodies and bring peace to our families and nations requires a shift in the way we use belief.”

Until next time….

Lots of love, light and hugs



Hello to all my wonderful new friends!

I heard the most incredible story about healing today which I want to share with you……

A young wife contracted a life threatening virus and doctors tried everything they knew to save her life but she just deteriorated. Eventually the doctors phoned her husband and told him that there was nothing more they could do for her and it was only a matter of time, he need to get to the hospital immediately. They had a minister deliver the last rites and the rest of the family were informed.

Whilst waiting for their families to arrive, her husband held her hand and put his head down on the bed.

This is his story:

Whilst he was resting his head on the bed, a voice told him that everything would be alright and he would make everything right again as it should be. Much to their surprise and confusion, the families arrived to see the young husband excited and happy! He told them that God had come to him and told him that she would be okay and would make a full recovery!

Not long after, the medical team decided to administer an anti-biotic they hadn’t yet tried but it would take about 48 hrs to start working. Well, the anti-biotic started working within 3 hours and she started recovering!

This is her Story:

She felt like she was in a spinning chamber and two people dressed all in white, stepped into the chamber and told her they needed to get her ready for her return journey.

Today she is fully recovered and has given birth to a beautiful little girl.

Her question is “Why do you think I was spared?”

I know what I think, and would love to know what YOU think!

Until next time……

Lots of love, light and hugs,


Notice Love All Around You

Hello to all my wonderful new friends!

Every morning, soon after I wake up, I read “Daily Guidance from Your Angels” by Doreen Virtue. It was given to me by my very special sister-in-law and wonderful friend Kathy. The messages have been very instrumental in making me the person I am today. I have found this exercise to be truly inspiring and thought provoking and have decided to share some of these wonderful messages with you.

Sometimes I ask the Angel’s a question, which is always answered, and sometimes I just open the book to read what the message is for me for the day.

My question today was, “What message can I share with the world today?” and this is what came up….

“The universe provides steady reminders of love, and those who pay attention know that this emotion is everywhere – there’s so much to joyfully celebrate! Noticing this is a simple route to happiness.

Today, make it a point to observe examples of caring….. someone’s helpfulness, for instance, or a child’s affection. As you see these reminders, drink in the delicious energy being created, and nourish yourself with it’s warmth.

Love is all around you, today and every day.”

Live your day today with this message in mind and notice what a difference it makes to you and every one around you!

Until next time….!

Lots of love, light and hugs



Hello to all my wonderful new friends!

Welcome to the first entry of my blog. This is totally new to me but I know we are going to have a lot of fun, laughter and inspiration and gain new insights and learning!

I expect that you woke up this morning with a smile on your face and expressed your appreciation and gratitude for everything you have! It is so important to start the day with feelings of gratitude, because when you do,  your day is filled with the wonder of being.

Today I want to talk about change and how resisting it can be so limiting. This is a story close to my heart, because my resistance to change and the fear of the unknown placed so many limitations on the way I lived my life and greatly impacted the decisions I made. My passion and purpose is to help and empower other people to realize their full potential, and be the best person they can be. I have wasted so much time creating boundaries for myself, when I could have been using the time constructively and effectively to fulfill my purpose.

Some people are adamant that they want to make changes in their lives, to create a different result, but when it comes down to making the commitment and some action is required, they find all sorts of reasons for not making the change.  This is where the Law of Cause and Effect comes into play, which I will cover next time….

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result” Albert Einstein.

You must take action, embrace and accept the change, and see it as embarking on an amazing new adventure filled with even more possibilities! It has opened so many doors for me and I’m so excited and grateful to be a part of changing the world, one person at a time.

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.

Would love to hear from you.

Until next time…..

Lots of light, love and hugs.