Have Patience with Yourself

Hello everyone….!

I have been having feelings of impatience a lot over the last couple of weeks with regards to my purpose and goal to transform the world one person at a time. I’ve been asking for assistance but feel that it’s just not happening fast enough!

As soon as my daily routine is interrupted, as with all the holidays we’ve been having, my habit of reading the messages from the angels seems to fall by the wayside. I opened my book today asking what message the angel’s had for me and “Have Patience with Yourself” is what came up! The message is sooo appropriate at this time and reinforces my belief that the angels listen to us and answer when the time is right!

Here is the message……….

“Akin to expressing self-compassion is the process of having patience with yourself. No one expects a baby to begin walking immediately: An infant’s progress is gradual but steady, and your own growth is the same. We remind you to enjoy the path that you’re on today, even if it seems to be taking longer than you’d like.

With patience comes progress. It brings a relaxed and open attitude that – coupled with faith – is always rewarded. Give us angels any concerns or anxiety that you have about the timeline of your progress. Focus completely on your action steps for today, and let tomorrow take care of itself.

Patience, then, is really another word for letting go of fear and worry. Remember that we’re by your side to help you release any tension or stress – just ask.”

Makes you think doesn’t it!

Until next time……..

Love and hugs




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