Our World

Hello dear friends!

Today I want to talk about different models of the world…..

Have you ever had a debate or argument with someone and, at some point, you failed to understand what they are getting at or where they are coming from? Sometime later you may even carry on with the argument in your head that goes something like this: “I should have said that, then they would have said this and then I would have replied like this”? Have you ever done this? I know have, until I learned better. You would be totally wrong in presuming to know how they would have responded, because the argument in your head is based on your model of the world and not theirs!

The voice in your head comes from your subconscious mind. It is based on your past history and the values you learned from your parents and all those around you. Your perception of an event or situation is distorted because it is based your model of the world. The thing to remember is that it is always so much more than that…..! The next time you catch yourself placing judgment or criticising someone else, look at it through new and different eyes, taking into account what their model of the world may be. Clear up any misunderstanding by asking what they actually mean. You will see the world in a whole new light!

Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Until next time……..

Love, light and hugs,


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